Riverkeeper Criticizes Environmental Review of Tappan Zee Bridge Replacement
April 2, 2012
- Failure to take the required “hard look” at legitimate alternatives such as a new bridge with mass transit, rehabilitating the existing bridge, or building a tunnel under the Hudson. State officials simply eliminated the full range of alternatives without justification, in order to push forward their “preferred alternative” of a gigantic, double span bridge with no mass transit.
- Failure to conduct an adequate study of impacts to federally endangered Atlantic and Shortnose sturgeon and critical river habitat from five years of dredging and extensive pile driving which causes damaging underwater noise and vibration. The DEIS underestimates the impacts and fails to consider alternatives to minimize or avoid the impacts.
- Illegal segmentation of the required environmental review. The state has pushed off the assessment of needed future improvements to adjacent highway segments and dredging and demolition of the existing bridge until some undetermined future date.
- Failure to provide a financial analysis that supports the contention that the replacement bridge option is the best option that “maximizes the public investment.”
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