More Volunteers, Less Trash in the Hudson: Positive Results from Riverkeeper’s Annual Day of Service
May 13, 2014
- Number of service projects: 82 (up 14% from 2013)
- Number of volunteers: 1,900 (up 36% from 2013)
- Trash removed: 31 tons (down 18% from 2013)
- Other service projects: Hudson River improvements at Mills-Norrie Point State Park, Staatsburg; habitat restoration at Randall's Island Park, NYC.
- Project with the most volunteers: Randall’s Island (189 over two days)
- Project removing the most trash: Jennifer’s Annual Flushing Bay Cleanup (3,450 pounds)
- Project planting the most trees: "Trees for Tribs" planting along the Coxing Kill in High Falls (Ulster County), a tributary stream in the Hudson River Watershed (80 trees)
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Protecting and restoring habitats
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