Search Results

242 search results for 'Newtown Creek'

A small victory on Newtown Creek

Photos by John Lipscomb On 3/27/07 we returned to Newtown Creek and found a recycling barge losing some plastic material through a tear in its … Read More

Oil Sheen on Newtown Creek

Perphaps this sign should read “No Wake – Pollution in Progress”. Newtown Creek Patroled Newton Creek with Riverkeeper staff and the Regional Administrator of the … Read More

Newtown Creek to Nyack

9/18: Nyack to Newtown Creek. Patrol Newtown Creek with two members of the press and Riverkeeper staff. Patrol … Read More

Oil, Tires & MTV on Newtown Creek

Nyack to Newtown Creek. Patrol the creek with RvK staff, two still photographers and a MTV video crew. There … Read More

Exxon discharge on Newtown Creek

A “bouquet” of discharge pipes midway up Newtown Creek at the Exxon spill. The only active discharge today is Exxon’s. The DEC has … Read More

Riverkeeper Data Informing Study of Tidal Rondout Creek

… safe recreational water quality. Outside of the Capital District and New York City waters like the Newtown Creek and Gowanus Canal that receive exceptional combined sewage overflow discharges, the … Read More

Getting to Zero (CSO) in Dutch Kills Project: Community Action Plan Launch

Join SWIM, Green Shores NYC, Newtown Creek Alliance, NYC Soil and Water Conservation District, and Riverkeeper on Saturday, June … Read More

Field Day Friday: Rooftop Exploration at Kingsland Wildflowers

Join Newtown Creek Alliance for their Field Day Friday at Kingsland Wildflowers! Take a Q&A tour of … Read More

Accessing NYC Environmental Data (Event)

Join Newtown Creek Alliance in bringing together a number of local environmental data experts to talk … Read More

How do we revive two polluted corners of New York Harbor? Here are 135 ways.

…        Community driven planning effort finds opportunities to restore and revitalize Newtown Creek, Flushing Waters Riverkeeper, Newtown Creek Alliance, Guardians of Flushing Bay and … Read More