Search Results

274 search results for 'crude oil'

The Dangerous ‘Virtual’ Crude Oil Pipeline In Your Backyard

… by Justin Mikulka You have to see this video. Albany is emerging as a critical hub of a dangerous crude oil “virtual pipeline” snaking by rail and river vessel from U.S. and Canadian … Read More

Crude Oil Transport

… the oil industry has made the Hudson Valley into one arm of a dangerous “virtual pipeline” for crude oil that snakes thousands of miles by rail, barge and ship from oil fields in North Dakota, … Read More

Cuomo seeks state, federal review of crude oil shipments

Riverkeeper Urges Action to Protect the Hudson and Mohawk from Heavy Crude Oil Risks

… Companies LLC, one of the largest petroleum distributors in the Northeast, to heat thick, heavy crude oil so it can be transferred from rail car to barge or ship. The proposed new Port of Albany … Read More

Crude oil shipped on the Hudson raises concerns

Port plan to heat crude oil raises concerns

RvK:A Watchdog on New Crude Oil Shipments on the Hudson – via Tanker, Barge & Train

In the last 12 months, a new industry has started on the Hudson River, as shipments of crude oil from the Bakken fields of North Dakota have arrived by rail in Albany, for shipment by … Read More

Global gives up on heavy crude, but flow of oil through the Hudson Valley remains a concern

The latest victory in protecting the Hudson River from crude oil risks proves yet again: Our voices make all the difference. Coordinated, sustained public … Read More

Governments move to enhance safety of crude-oil and passenger trains

Feds Finalize Rules for Crude-Oil Trains, and Some (Including Senator Maria Cantwell) Aren’t Very Happy About It

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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