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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Study finds Indian Point power can be replaced

Energy Efficiency Could Offset Indian Point Shutdown, Report Says

Study: Indian Point power loss replaced at little cost

Report For Enviro Groups: Indian Point Replacement Power Will Be Ready

Powering ahead without Indian Point

New Yorkers won’t miss Indian Point once it closes in 2021. They certainly won’t miss the danger that this aging nuclear … Read More

Utility Analyst Report: Indian Point’s Nuclear Power Can Be Replaced With Low-Carbon Options Led By Increased Energy Efficiency & Renewables

… NEW YORK – February 23, 2017 – Electricity generation from the aging and problem-plagued Indian Point Energy Center (IPEC) nuclear plant north of New York City can be replaced with … Read More

Closing dangerous Indian Point plants will spur green energy

The Battle of Indian Point

Powering Down: An end to the long battle against Indian Point

Sustainable Saturday: After Indian Point

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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