Search Results

274 search results for 'crude oil'

U.S., Canada to require safer tank cars for oil trains

Side by side on the Hudson River: oil barge, bald eagle

In May 2014, a kayaker sent this image of a tug/barge carrying North Dakota crude oil and a Bald Eagle fishing. The contrast is stunning and poignant. Both are users of the … Read More

No more waiting, protect our river from a crude disaster

… by 4,000 percent in the United States over the past six years, with rail shipments of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota to New York increasing to approximately 20 percent of the total output … Read More

Local communities joining Riverkeeper’s call for crude transport safety

… governments and citizens in the Hudson Valley are speaking out against the reckless transport of crude oil through our communities by passing local resolutions. Most recently: Dutchess County … Read More

NTSB sounds alarm again on oil trains – When will government act?

… National Transportation Safety Board: The White House must move faster to address the danger of crude oil trains and take steps “to prevent accidents and save lives.” “We can’t wait a … Read More

Oil Tanker Ran Aground 2 Years Ago on Hudson – Have We Heeded the Warning Call?

… 20, 2012, the oil tanker Stena Primorsk ran aground near Albany with 12 million gallons of Dakota crude oil on board. Several compartments of the outer hull were torn open – but not the inner … Read More

Petition Seeks to Limit Length, Weight of Oil and Hazardous Material Trains to Prevent More Derailments

… Ore. – November 25, 2014 — In the face of a dramatic rise in trains carrying explosive crude oil and derailing in a series of devastating accidents, the Center for Biological Diversity … Read More

Dozens of Hudson Valley schools along oil train tracks

Environmental groups push for update of Coast Guard’s regional oil spill plan

Riverkeeper and Scenic Hudson Push for Much-Needed Updating of Coast Guard’s Regional Oil Spill Plan

… ecological, public health and economic resources of the Hudson River Valley from the threat of a crude oil spill into the Hudson River or New York Harbor. The Hudson River rail corridor has … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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