Search Results

274 search results for 'crude oil'

DOT Action Fails to Fully Address Grave Risks of Shipping Explosive Crude through Communities and Along the Hudson River

… railroads to notify state emergency management officials before moving large shipments of crude oil through their states, and urging railroads not to use older DOT-111 cars that are easily … Read More

URGENT: Tell NYS You Oppose Expansion of Hudson River Oil Terminal

… This terminal expansion could facilitate the transfer of up to 1.8 billion gallons of heavy crude oil from train to river barge, increasing both train and barge traffic significantly. Please … Read More

Riverkeeper Commends DEC for Listening to the Public and Stepping up to Require Comprehensive Review of Proposed Tar Sands Oil Heating Facility at Port of Albany

… promising “aggressive action” in requiring a comprehensive review of the company’s proposed crude oil heating facility at the Port of Albany. Riverkeeper commends the agency for listening to … Read More

What if it Happened Here? A look at the worst case scenario for the Feb. 25 oil train derailment in Kingston

Ulster Map A 97-car CSX train carrying empty oil tank cars derailed Feb. 25 near shops and homes in the Town of Ulster, N.Y., about five miles … Read More

Fight Oil with Beer!

… at the Albany Pump Station for a beer and a chance to discuss issues related to the risks of crude oil transport in New York State. An estimated 4 million gallons of oil can move through the … Read More

Community Demands Full Review of Global Partners’ Proposed Port of Albany Heavy Crude Facility at Public’s First Opportunity to Express Concern about the Plan

… risks to hundreds of New York communities and to our waterways posed by the expanding transport of crude oil by rail and vessel. Communities from Buffalo to New York City are unprepared to protect … Read More

Public Meeting on Proposed Albany Oil Terminal Expansion

Members of the public concerned about the risks from crude oil transportation in the Hudson and Mohawk valleys should attend a Department of … Read More

Riverkeeper Keynotes United for Action November Monthly Meeting

… to come and speak to about the combined sewage storm water issue affecting New York City and the crude oil issue affecting New York city and the region and what we can do about these issues. There … Read More

Broad Coalition Demands Thorough Review of Pilgrim Pipelines

… about the risks associated with the proposed Pilgrim Pipelines, which would carry dangerous Bakken crude oil south from the Port of Albany and refined petroleum products in a parallel pipeline north … Read More

Risks of the Pilgrim Pipelines

… NY to Linden, NJ along the NYS Thruway and through private property. One pipeline would transport crude oil south while the other pipeline would carry refined products north. In total, the … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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