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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Indian Point Update: Critical Bolts Damaged and Missing

The ‘Careful, Thoughtful’ Approach to Indian Point Is to Close It

Sanders and Clinton weigh in on Indian Point

The “careful, thoughtful” approach to Indian Point is to close it

… senator, she sagely observed that a “steady drumbeat of problems has eroded public confidence in Indian Point”, the twin-reactor nuclear power plant just outside New York City. In the time … Read More

From nuts to bolts: Why the NRC must ground BOTH Indian Point reactors

… probably why Entergy won’t provide examples of similar events. The damage right at the core of Indian Point Reactor 2 makes it even harder for those nearby to ignore the unfathomable threat this … Read More

Entergy discovers missing, damaged bolts at Indian Point

Problem Inside Indian Point 2 Reactor: Bad Bolts

Indian Point nuclear plant reactor to remain offline several weeks for repairs

‘Faulty bolts’ discovered at Indian Point nuclear power plant

Entergy discovers missing, damaged bolts at Indian Point

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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