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274 search results for 'crude oil'

Key bill on anchorages passes Assembly 93-2; Senate must act

… and waterfront communities from new barge anchorages that could support a massive expansion of crude oil shipments through the Hudson Valley. Given the unprecedented public outcry to the … Read More

Key bill on anchorages passes Assembly 93-2; Senate must act

… near waterfront communities, from new barge anchorages that could support a massive expansion of crude oil shipments through the Hudson Valley. With just hours left in the 2017 legislative … Read More

Notes of welcome and congratulations

… bacterial transport she is constructing for the Hudson. Kayley You Mak is studying the effects of crude oil on bacteria and phytoplankton in the Hudson. Congratulations to Jason Ratchford, who has … Read More

Nicholas Groombridge

… especially our work to close Indian Point, safeguard the Hudson from the dangers associated with crude oil shipments, and promote safe energy. He received his law degree from the London School of … Read More

Tell Congress: Support the Hudson River Protection Act

… proposal to establish 43 births at 10 locations for barges and tankers, potentially laden with crude oil, poses a significant risk to the Hudson River. The proposal threatens to re-industrialize … Read More

Fireside chat with the The Hudson: A River at Risk

… river environment and the local towns. The films will feature segments on the transportation of crude oil by rail along the river, the PCB’s still remaining after the required cleanup from … Read More

Benefit Concert to support work against the Dakota Access and Pilgrim Pipelines

… as well as 296 wetlands. Both the Dakota Access and Pilgrim pipelines would carry Bakken Shale crude oil, extracted using fracking, which was banned in New York due to its health impacts. The … Read More

Saying ‘No’ to anchorages: 10,000 comments, 34 resolutions, 1.5 million constituents

… the [December 20, 2012] incident in which a Swedish-owned tanker loaded with 12 million gallons of crude oil ran aground shortly after leaving the Port of Albany. The vessel’s outer hull was … Read More

On Trump’s choice for EPA: We will not we will not let anyone roll back the progress we’ve made

… against plans to ship dangerous and dirty tar sands oil down the Hudson; against plans to move crude oil and other petroleum products by pipeline down the NY Thruway, and against the use of a … Read More

2016 Victories for the Hudson and Your Drinking Water

… Conservation demanded a full environmental review of the proposed expansion of Global Partners’ crude oil terminal in Albany and required Global to apply for new permits for the expansion. … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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