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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Riverkeeper: Report shows Indian Point evacuation plan flawed

The Future of Indian Point on Second Anniversary of Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi

… work on many different fronts to prevent the impact of a similar disaster from unfolding at the Indian Point nuclear power plant. Indian Point is surrounded by 20 million people within a 50-mile … Read More

Riverkeeper and Partners Meet New NRC Chairwoman, Push Aggressive Agenda on Indian Point Follow-up Promised by Commission Officials

… (NRC) Chairwoman Allison Macfarlane to discuss concerns about the continued operation of the Indian Point nuclear power plant. During the meeting, Riverkeeper presented a list of actions to … Read More

Indian Point Impact On Hudson River Sturgeon ‘Adverse’

Security Sideshow at Indian Point Leaves Public at Risk

Just when you thought Indian Point security couldn’t get more laughable, police arrested a second person for stealing … Read More

Indian Point battling state over habitat

Indian Point battling state over Hudson River habitat designation

Indian Point Hearings End

Indian Point Hearings Come To An End, For Now

New analysis Refutes Industry Spin about Indian Point’s Capacity to Prevent Hydrogen Explosions in the Event of a Meltdown

… Defense Council (NRDC) counter industry spin and show that Entergy has not adequately equipped Indian Point to minimize the threat of a hydrogen explosion in the event of a core meltdown. The … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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