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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Study: Closing Indian Point would be costly

Indian Point, in a first, removing spent nuclear fuel

Riverkeeper Calls for Independent Investigation in Response to Lawsuit Against Indian Point

… NY – September 13, 2012 – Today a security lieutenant employed by Entergy Corporation at the Indian Point nuclear power plant announced that he is suing Entergy in state Supreme court, … Read More

Riverkeeper Calls for Independent Investigation in Response to Lawsuit Against Indian Point

… NY – September 13, 2012 – Today a security lieutenant employed by Entergy Corporation at the Indian Point nuclear power plant announced that he is suing Entergy in state Supreme court, … Read More

NRC gets letters, emails on re-licensing of Indian Point

Your Chance to tell the NRC to Close Indian Point

… Regulatory Commission to consider during the pivotal hearings that will determine the fate of the Indian Point nuclear reactors. Please take this opportunity to tell the NRC to end the risk and … Read More

State: Indian Point power can be replaced

Indian Point Won’t Get New License Until Unsafe On-site Nuclear Waste Storage Is Resolved

… Regulatory Commission voted unanimously this week to hold off on deciding whether to relicense Indian Point for 20 more years until it addresses the risks of storing highly radioactive spent … Read More

Indian Point readies shift of spent fuel: IP3 refueling requires transfer to IP2 pool; appproval took 3 years

Koch, once courted by Indian Point operator to be pitchman, explains opposition to nuclear plant

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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