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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Nuke commissioner praises Indian Point

NRC commissioner meets with both sides of the Indian Point issue

NRC Commissioner visits Indian Point

NRC commissioner tours Indian Point

Riverkeeper predicts Indian Point license will not be renewed

NRC Commissioner Magwood to Join Riverkeeper on Indian Point Boat Patrol

… that oversees the NRC, will join Riverkeeper on May 29 aboard its patrol boat for a view of Indian Point from the perspective of the Hudson River. This will mark the first time an NRC staff … Read More

Indian Point Debate: Battle Between Jobs and Safety

NRC on the hot seat over Indian Point: Plant called ‘old,’ ‘dangerous’ at hearing. Supporters cite jobs

Indian Point operates safely, NRC says

One Year Later, Still Business as Usual as NRC Ignores Issues Most Vital to Continued Operation of Indian Point in Annual Assessment

… lessons learned from the tragedy at Fukushima Daiichi into the relicensing hearings for the Indian Point nuclear power plant. The groups will be joined by hundreds of New Yorkers and area … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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