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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

NRC judges tour Indian Point over relicensing debate

NRC judges tour Indian Point over relicensing debate

5/5/12: Security at Indian Point

You’re looking at the sum total protection against terrorist attack from the water. It’s so … Read More

Missing Buoys at Indian Point

Passing Indian Point last week at 0830 AM I found that the buoys which normally mark the security zone … Read More

Governor’s Energy Summit Kicks off New Push for Sustainable Energy, Will Help Close Indian Point

… new transmission, upgrading old plants and more renewables would also facilitate closure of the Indian Point nuclear power station, as NRDC and Riverkeeper pointed out in a report commissioned … Read More

NRC Denies Indian Point Contention from Riverkeeper

Indian Point: Fined & Scrutinized

Riverkeeper Commends New York State for $1 Million Fine against Indian Point

… of Environmental Conservation (DEC) for taking action against Entergy Corporation, the owner of Indian Point 3, and issuing a $1.2 million penalty for Clean Water Act violations stemming from a … Read More

200 demand Indian Point closure

Activists Call for Indian Point Closure

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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