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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Lessons of Fukushima come to Indian Point

NRC rejects suspending Indian Point relicensing for Fukushima review

Earthquake Renews Focus on Indian Point

Virginia Nuclear Plant Shut Down After Earthquake, Indian Point Hums Along

Quake sparks new call to close Indian Point nuclear plant

Indian Point, did you feel that?

… about 200 miles north and increase its intensity only slightly, it would be over the limit of what Indian Point can handle. Columbia University’s 2008 study shows that two different earthquake … Read More

Indian Point foes rally in Manhattan, aim to expand opposition

Riverkeeper to NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Shutting Indian Point will lead to safer, cleaner, cheaper energy

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s position on the Indian Point nuclear power plant, as reported by the New York Times on July 7, boils down to this: … Read More

Cuomo urges Indian Point closing

Cuomo Wants Indian point to Shut Down

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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