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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

NRC Reports Highlight Safety Failures at Indian Point

… – May 19, 2011 – On May 13 the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published its report of Indian Point’s readiness to deal with accident and fire scenarios post – Fukushima, and found … Read More

What Can You Do About Indian Point?

Message to Engel & Lowey on Indian Point

On Tuesday May 10, 2011, Congressman Eliot Engel and Congresswoman Nita Lowey took a tour of the Indian Point nuclear plant with the chairman of the NRC, Gregory Jaczko. To avoid NRC using this … Read More

Riverkeeper Responds to NRC Chairman’s Visit to Indian Point

… 516-526-9371, [email protected] Riverkeeper Responds to NRC Chairman’s Visit to Indian Point Submits Critical Questions to Congressional Representatives Ossining, NY – May 9, … Read More

Experts Divided Over Safety of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant

Indian Point Event Energized Civic Discussion

Riverkeeper Presents Emergency Petition on Indian Point Fuel Cladding to NRC Review Board

… Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] Riverkeeper Presents Emergency Petition on Indian Point Fuel Cladding to NRC Review Board Ossining, NY New York – April 18, 2011 — As … Read More

Riverkeeper warns lawmakers of risks at Indian Point

NRC backs Indian Point safety zone

Debunking the Indian Point Energy Myth

… propaganda continually touts that the alleged “clean” and “cheap” energy generated by Indian Point is “vital” to the region. The truth is, we do NOT need Indian Point’s … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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