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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

In wake of Japanese nuclear crisis, Riverkeeper calls for shut down of Indian Point

Riverkeeper Calls for Immediate Shut Down of Indian Point

… power, particularly near densely populated metropolitan areas. Can something like this happen at Indian Point? The short answer is yes, it is possible for an earthquake to strike at Indian Point; … Read More

NRC delays hearing on Indian Point relicensing after state, environmental groups file petitions

Schneiderman challenges NRC’s plan to store nuclear waste at Indian point

Schneiderman Challenges Feds’ New Plan to Dump Nuclear Waste at Indian Point for 60 Years Post-Closure

… 60 Years After Closure, Without Mandated Review Schneiderman: Whether For or Against Re-Licensing Indian Point, We Can All Agree that Environmental, Public Health & Safety Risks Should Be … Read More

Nyack: Residents Raise Concerns About Indian Point and the Hudson River

Environmental groups raise new challenge to Indian Point nuclear waste storage

Environmental Groups Raise New Challenge to Indian Point Nuclear Waste Storage in NRC Relicensing Case

… concerns of indefinitely storing toxic nuclear waste on the banks of the Hudson River at the Indian Point nuclear power plant in Buchanan, NY. The new filing responds to the NRC’s December … Read More

Closed-cycle cooling remains best for Indian Point

Showdown nears over Indian Point’s future

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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