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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Indian Point Water Permit Denied

… (DEC) has denied a critical water quality certification required for the relicensing of Indian Point. This is a crucial turning point and major victory in the battle to halt Indian … Read More

Riverkeeper Hails New York’s Decision to Deny Critical Water Quality Certificate for Indian Point

… for Riverkeeper and citizens throughout the tri-state area long concerned about the dangers Indian Point poses to public safety and the environment, the New York State Department of … Read More

PSC Rejects Plan to Spin-Off Indian Point Reactors

… including Enexus’ future junk bond status and $3.5 billion debt on day one of its ownership of Indian Point. Riverkeeper intervened in opposition to the spin-off in 2008, citing concerns with … Read More

Riverkeeper Urges DEC to Deny Water Quality Certificate For Indian Point

… Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to deny a request made by Entergy, the owner of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, for a Water Quality Certification in connection with their … Read More

State aims to reduce Indian Point water use, save more fish

Indian Point owners challenge cooling tower ruling

Entergy: Cooling towers not best option for Indian Point

Riverkeeper Takes Critical Step in Fight to Shut Down Indian Point

Dear Indian Point Campaign supporter: I am writing to update you about another step Riverkeeper has … Read More

Can Neighbors Get Away From Indian Point Quickly Enough?

RvK Presents Concerns About Indian Point Emergency Preparedness Plan

… NY – December 8, 2009 – Riverkeeper presented concerns today on emergency planning at Indian Point to Chairman Jaczko and his fellow Commissioners at a meeting to discuss a proposed … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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