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724 search results for 'Indian Point'

Riverkeeper urges FERC to conduct comprehensive environmental review of Atlantic Bridge Project

… Impact Statement   Riverkeeper Letter re Call for an Independent Assessment of the Risk to Indian Point Energy Center Associated with the Proposed AIM Gas Transmission Pipeline   … Read More

Riverkeeper bolsters core programs with new directors, launches program to address challenges to region’s watersheds

… including addressing the risk of crude-by-rail transport through the Hudson Valley, closing the Indian Point nuclear power plant, and holding General Electric accountable for the remaining PCBs … Read More

How to report an oil sheen on the Hudson River

Members of the public reporting an oil sheen in the wake of the Indian Point transformer fire and oil spill should call both of these authorities: Federal/EPA … Read More

Urgent opportunity to fight for clean energy in NY and slow climate change

… the challenges the Hudson River faces are due to a legacy of 20th century energy systems such as Indian Point Nuclear Plant and fossil fuel electricity generation plants. (Read more about how the … Read More

Scenes from First Hudson River Patrol of 2015 #followtheboat

By the time I boarded the Riverkeeper patrol boat in Garrison around 9 a.m. on May 13, Capt. John … Read More

WATCH: ‘The beginning of the end of NY’s nuclear power?’

Has the endgame begun for Indian Point? Sure looks that way. Riverkeeper is fighting on every legal front to stop this … Read More

Riverkeeper’s Biggest Victories of 2014

… science, fostered by grass roots action. The movement at its finest! Closer Than Ever to Closing Indian Point 2014 was a banner year in our campaign to end the ever-growing threat posed by Indian … Read More

Riverkeeper Files Lawsuit Challenging State’s Approval to Reactivate Danskammer Power Plant Without Required Environmental Review

… facility’s once-through cooling system causes the same types of impacts to the Hudson as the Indian Point nuclear power plant; at Danskammer, large numbers of fish larvae, young and adult … Read More

Tell FERC the AIM Pipeline Project DEIS Fails to Evaluate Environmental Impacts

… for the Catskill Aqueduct and final conclusions regarding potential safety related conflicts with Indian Point. 3) Cumulative impacts must be fully evaluated. In addition to the Atlantic Bridge … Read More

Take to the Streets: Join us Sunday at People’s Climate March NYC

… We’ve taken on the fight against crude oil transport down the Hudson, GE’s PCB legacy, and Indian Point nuclear plant. Yet nothing comes close to the challenges we face from climate change. … Read More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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