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274 search results for 'crude oil'

Orange County Joins Growing List of Local Governments Passing Resolutions to Protect their Citizens from Crude Oil Risks

… calling for the state to conduct a comprehensive environmental study of the impacts of increased crude oil transport by train, barge and ship through Orange County, and for both federal and state … Read More

Crude Oil on the Hudson

Potential risks seen in crude oil boom

Crude Oil on the Hudson

Environmental Groups Want NY To Release Information On Rail Shipments Of Crude Oil

Community Meeting on The Risks of Transporting Crude Oil on the Hudson

… Kate Hudson, Watershed Program Director and Scenic Hudson for a presentation about the risks of crude oil transportation in the Hudson Valley on July 9, 2014. This presentation is being … Read More

Groups Challenge New York State’s Decision Not to Require Full Environmental Review of Plan to Expand Albany Crude Oil Facility

… impact statement [“EIS”] for a proposed expansion of operations at an Albany, New York crude oil terminal owned by Global Companies, LLC. The lawsuit filed in Albany County Supreme … Read More

Saugerties Community Forum on Crude Oil Risks

Riverkeeper will make a presentation about the risks of crude oil transportation in the Hudson Valley as part of a community forum in Saugerties on June … Read More

5/21/14: Boat support for an ANTI crude oil transport videographer and activist

… his family. When the tanker Stena Primorsk ran aground on her maiden voyage carrying North Dakota crude oil from Albany in December 2012 a whole lot of us suddenly became aware of an entirely new … Read More

Riverkeeper applauds Ulster County’s stance on crude oil transport

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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