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274 search results for 'crude oil'

Riverkeeper Applauds Ulster County Passage of Resolutions to Protect Communities against Risks from Crude Oil Transport

… bi-partisan support, calling for a federal ban on the use of faulty DOT-111 cars to transport crude oil by rail, and for the state to conduct comprehensive environmental reviews of the impacts … Read More

Ulster County Resolutions on Crude Oil Transport

Ulster County Resolution 184-14 Ulster County Resolution 183-14     More on Crude Oil Transport Read More

Crude Oil Train Hazards Bring Federal Emergency Action, State Efforts

Presentation on Crude Oil to Ulster County Legislature

Riverkeeper will present information about the risks associated with crude oil transportation in the Hudson Valley at a meeting of the Ulster Count Legislature. The … Read More

US DOT crude oil emergency order doesn’t go far enough, says Riverkeeper

At Newburgh forum, environmental groups highlight risks of crude oil transit

Enviro groups call for emergency action to take crude oil rail cars off the tracks

Governor Requests Federal Action On Crude Oil Rail Transport

Enviro Groups Call for Emergency Action to Halt Crude Oil Trains in Light of Today’s Accident in Virginia

… issuing today a comprehensive set of steps that could lead to greater safety on a huge volume of crude oil transport through the Hudson Valley. The environmental groups went on to ask for … Read More

Public discussion May 5 on crude oil shipments

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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