Early spring debris- natural & manmade
April 20, 2008
We've had days of very high spring tides and no wind so an amazing amount of debris has floated off the riverbanks. It's all still out here because there hasn't been any wind to sweep it all ashore again.
I find many of these blue plastic 55 gal drums. They are extensively used as floatation for floating docks at boat clubs and marinas. This one is empty and light but full ones are very heavy.
A massive new structure under construction just south of Norrie Point at Hyde Park.
I'm told that this is a private residence. A lovely small home stood here until last year which was almost entirely hidden by trees.
Catch of the day from Kingston to Nyack. Totals for the six day patrol:
9 - Tires with metal rims attached
5 - plastic 55 gal drums
1 - 1 gal plastic bottle 1 - 2'x4' plastic/foam sheet 20 cubic feet dock styrofoam
4 - party balloons
5 - plastic drink bottles. Passed hundreds more.
1 - boat fender
1 - 5 gal plastic cooler
1 - 3 gal steel Freon tank
1 - soccer ball
1 - 2 gal plastic bucket 1 - duck decoy. He's my friend.
More floating debris. "All natural" this time. Looking south toward Blue Point beyond the Poughkeepsie Bridges. This is why I don't like to run at night.
Looking south toward Storm King. Spring at the bottom but still winter at the top.