It was a milestone year for Riverkeeper’s community science projects. In all, Riverkeeper is now supporting sampling for Enterococcus, the EPA-recommended fecal-indicator of recreational water quality, and reporting data from 149 locations along seven Hudson River tributaries and the New York City waterfront. That's in addition to the 74 sites sampled monthly via our patrol boat in conjunction with our science partners, CUNY Queens College and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory.
Most exciting are the grassroots projects inspired by these water quality testing projects. Here’s a look at some of the highlights from 2014. We hope this list helps individuals, governments and groups throughout the Hudson River watershed identify strategies to make use of this data to help clean the water:
Citizen scientists with the New York City Water Trail Association, the River Project and area boat clubs met to see the 2014 data and talk about next steps. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
Sampling began on the Quassaick Creek in August, 2014. Photo Courtesy John Gephards / Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance
Strong interest from the communities bordering the Rondout Creek was evident, as both Rosendale and Rochester invited Riverkeeper staff to make public presentations about our data which in total were attended by well over 100 people. In both towns, as well as upstream in Wawarsing, local environmental advisory boards and conservation commissions have adopted Riverkeeper-partnered water quality sampling as team projects, and they are bringing their knowledge of, and relationships with, local government to the task of cleaning the water. After Riverkeeper staff organized a meeting with the sewer operator in Town of Woodstock, the only Hudson Valley town known to maintain two septic districts, an intermunicipal group began meeting under the name Save the Rondout to identify ways to address contamination in a creek that has many popular, if unofficial, swimming areas. The Town of Rochester deserves a special shout-out for bringing people who love the creek together around a fun event that included a Riverkeeper staff presentation and a celebration with music, food and beer. These types of events help build a strong community of advocates for the creek.
With the recruitment of new partners, community sampling on the Esopus Creek expanded to include additional sub-tributaries. We are exploring ways to expand testing, and action based on the results, in 2015.
Expansion of testing into Scoharie County was made possible after Riverkeeper and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene County staff presented information about the first two years of data collection. Now, 19 samples are taken monthly on 45 miles of creek.
This document was prepared with support from the Hudson River Estuary Program, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, with support from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund, in cooperation with the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. The viewpoints expressed here do not necessarily represent those of NEIWPCC or NYSDEC, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or causes constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Generous funding for this ongoing collaborative project between Riverkeeper, CUNY Queens College and Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory has been provided by the HSBC Water Programme, the Dextra Baldwin McGonagle Foundation, Inc., the Hudson River Foundation, RBC Blue Water Project, the Brinson Foundation, and Riverkeeper members.