Riverkeeper Blogs

Knudson in water
7/8/14: During day two of our July water sampling patrol Carol Knudson (colleague from Lamont Doherty/Columbia U) took a swim break after we sampled off Croton Point Beach. We use our sampling data to guide us as to where and when we swim. Check our […] More
We talk a lot around here about fecal contamination, but fourth-grader Lucy Bedell makes one of the best cases we’ve heard for infrastructure improvement. Read her school essay. Sometimes, only a kid can tell it to you straight. And she’s right. “Poop stinks. No one […] More
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We got run over by this big squall on 6/13 running back to Ossining on day two of our 13 day water sampling patrol (NY Harbor to Waterford) As it started coming over the ridge between Hook Mountain and High Tor I thought we might […] More
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On 5/30 we stopped on our way north to Kingston and met two members of the Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance to help them develop an Enterococcus sampling program for the Quassaick. Who should drop by but John Cronin, who ran Riverkeeper before Alex Matthiessen. John […] More
Data from the first round of this year’s sampling in six Hudson River tributaries is available at riverkeeper.org/citizen-data. More
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Riverkeeper’s Water Quality Team has an “office” meeting – on the water – during Day 2 of a boat patrol on Friday from New York Harbor to Albany. Capt. John Lipscomb looks on as water quality advocate Dan Shapley looks over his notes. The team […] More
Riverkeeper Patrol hosted three senior staff of Metro North Railroad on May 27th to get a unique look at the company’s commuter rail infrastructure along the Hudson. As the east shore’s biggest property owner, the railroad’s efforts to keep the shoreline clean and maintain its […] More
Fishing over the “Big C” – the largest Combined Sewage Overflow (CSO) in the Capital District – it rained hard one hour before I took this photo.
The data from Riverkeeper's first Hudson River sampling run of 2014 is in, and almost all the sites we sampled from May 12-15 passed Environmental Protection Agency guidelines for safe swimming. More
Justin Mikulka is an independent filmmaker who lives in Albany with his family. When the tanker Stena Primorsk ran aground on her maiden voyage carrying North Dakota crude oil from Albany in December 2012 a whole lot of us suddenly became aware of an entirely […] More
After almost a month and a half on patrol, May 20 was a big day for Riverkeeper — our first patrol into the Mohawk River/Erie Canal. We’re in communication with a nice group of Mohawk supporters and we believe there is an opportunity to partner […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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