Riverkeeper Blogs

Waterford to Catskill: At the public docks in Waterford. The first lock of the Erie Canal in the background. All the pleasure boats heading south from the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain have come and gone. Riverkeeper is the “last boat standing.” About to lock […] More
Catskill to Waterford: Troy is working hard to make its waterfront more hospitable and attractive – with good success. The City has built a really nice new Riverfront Park and the Troy Downtown Marina is open for business and is trying hard to be the […] More
Capt. Lipscomb gets "Up close and personal" with a passing light bulk carrier while patrolling northbound on the upper Hudson.
The final patrol of the Hudson in 2013 is underway. Keep it tuned here for photos and updates throughout Capt. John Lipscomb’s cold-weather journey from Troy to Brooklyn to end the 2013 patrol season. – See more at: https://www.riverkeeper.org/blog/patrol/day-2-final-patrol-of-2013-underway/#sthash.F4clF5P3.dpuf”Beautiful cold misty day, northbound. The section […] More
Clearwater is at the Maritime Museum in Kingston for the winter. Crew are sending down running rigging, topmast and sails. We’ll be hauling the Fletcher in early December for her winter at the wooden boat spa with Chris Brennan at Westerly in Ossining.
The final patrol of the Hudson in 2013 is underway. Keep it tuned here for photos and updates throughout Capt. John Lipscomb’s cold-weather journey from Troy to Brooklyn to end the 2013 patrol season.Clearwater is at the Maritime Museum in Kingston for the winter. Crew […] More
A sign of winter – the Coast Guard buoy tender is swapping the summer aids to navigation out for winter buoys which are less likely to be grabbed by ice. Here she’s southbound near West Point.
Final patrol of the Hudson in 2013 is underway. Keep it tuned here for photos and updates throughout Capt. John Lipscomb's cold-weather journey from Troy to Brooklyn to end the 2013 patrol season. More
Afrodite in the Port of Albany, Sept. 21, 2013. (The discharge visible is ballast water.) A crude oil barge is also visible starting south.
In the last 12 months, a new industry has started on the Hudson River, as shipments of crude oil from the Bakken fields of North Dakota have arrived by rail in Albany for shipment down the Hudson. More
As part of our boat patrol, Riverkeeper rides into one of the worst-contaminated waterways in North America. The 1.8-mile Gowanus Canal, an industrial dumping ground for 150 years, is a greenish-gray channel through Brooklyn where the water bubbles with methane. Brown gobs of coal tar […] More
On patrol today on the Newtown Creek and its tributaries in Brooklyn, we observed a discharge that appears to be fluorescent dye often used for water system testing. We reported the discharge to city and state environmental officials, and the state Department of Environmental Conservation has opened an investigation. More
Pace students fall, 2013 (2)
Student members of Pace University’s Environmental Litigation Clinic pose for a photo aboard Riverkeeper’s patrol boat “R. Ian Fletcher” one recent afternoon.
Students with Pace University’s Environmental Litigation Clinic are helping Riverkeeper with several ongoing cases aimed at protecting the Hudson River, its tributaries and Hudson River ecology. Members of the team joined the crew of Riverkeeper’s patrol boat “R. Ian Fletcher” one recent afternoon for an […] More
Rondotu Reservoir
The Rondout Reservoir, one of the sources of drinking water for New York City. Riverkeeper tests the water in the Rondout Creek downstream of the reservoir.
Scenes from water quality sampling on the Rondout Creek on the last day Riverkeeper's citizen partners tested Hudson River tributary waters for the 2013 season. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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