Riverkeeper Blogs

We took these photos as we came southbound from Waterford folllowing the completion of our June water quality patrol. Results from our June patrol will be posted shortly. Turtles and cormorants at Binnen Kill Bald (headed) Eagle at Rattlesnake Island Great Blue Heron at Catskill […] More
In Putnam County there are no official beaches but people enjoy the Hudson from the shore wherever they can. On our current patrol north we passed Garrison and Cold Spring on Wednesday, a beautiful warm day. We saw two adventurous cliff divers in Garrison and […] More
The Water Quality Sampling Season for 2011 has officially begun and with it life gets even busier! Today we sent out our first monthly Water Quality Report of the year – for our May patrol – and a flurry of emails from throughout the Hudson […] More
Wall Street Journal story on the sewage and storm water overflow problems in the waters around New York City: Many old communities in the Hudson Valley have Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs) and as a result their local waterways suffer sewage contamination when it rains. Green […] More
Progress on the boat 3/28/11 through 4/10/11 Fourteen weeks in. Patching and cleaning up sheer strake continues – we use it as a filler job – in between doing other things. Luke shaping pins to fill old fastener holes in transom framing Frames are pinned, ready […] More
We learned this week that our very own John Lipscomb has been chosen as a recipient of the 2011 Environmental Quality Award. This award is given out each year by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2 office to a select group of individuals and […] More
Progress on the boat 2/28/11 through 3/12/11 Ten weeks in – slow but steady. Chris gluing up white oak for new toe rails forward Detail of glue joint Steam box Toe rails need to be steamed to take the bend at bow. Chris built a steam box. Propane […] More
Happy World Water Day to all our online friends! Today we reflect on the many challenges that people around the globe face in gaining access to, and protecting, their local waterways and drinking water supplies. People say that “water is the oil of the 21st […] More
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan as they continue to suffer through the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and the resulting nuclear crisis. It is hard to imagine the stress of the traumatic experiences they have endured, coupled with the […] More
Lots of time in the shop milling. Some new pieces being dry fit – Happy Day. Chris removing plank fasteners to then remove rotten transom frame Out comes the bad frame. Rest in Peace. Luke Illian, carpenter working with Chris, making new white oak transom […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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