Riverkeeper is back on patrol (Happy Earth Day!)
April 22, 2016

Riverkeeper patrol boat docked on the Rondout Creek on Earth Day 2016. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)

Riverkeeper on patrol near Kingston Point Beach, with the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge visible in the distance. Debris on the river is likely a result of an exceptionally high tide caused by the full moon, which dislodged logs and other floating debris from the shoreline. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)

Chad Gomes and Capt. John Lipscomb identify Riverkeeper's sampling location near Kingston Point Beach. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)

The Hudson River Maritime Museum, the brick building visible here, is part of the Hudson Riverport on Kingston's Rondout Creek waterfront. It's now also home to a satellite Riverkeeper office and lab, as well as a wooden boat building school, the winter home port of the Sloop Clearwater, and host to many passing ships, such as the Onrust, visible here. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)

Scout joined us for the morning to provide an extra set of eyes on the water. He had eyes for the rowers, and even more so for the ducks. (But most of all for the treats we stashed in our pockets.) (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)