Water Quality Talk in Brooklyn
March 12, 2012
Last week Riverkeeper was at the Brooklyn Brewery discussing local water quality issues with a full room of area clean water advocates.
Riverkeeper staff and volunteers were joined by City Councilman Steve Levin and other community leaders.
The "How Is the Water?" talk was sponsored by the Newtown Creek Alliance and the brewery. The Brooklyn activist network turned out in force, including folks from the New York City Water Trail Association and the North Brooklyn Boat Club, with great questions and comments on the state of the creek and a clear passion for its future renewal.
After Riverkeeper's presentation, City Councilman Stephen Levin announced that he has introduced Sewage Right to Know legislation for New York City. Welcome news, especially for the paddlers, swimmers and fishermen in the room!
If you missed this event you have another chance to catch Riverkeeper's "How's the Water?" presentation this Thursday at the REI Soho store in Manhattan at 7pm. We hope to see you there!