Riverkeeper Blogs

CrudeOil-derailment-taken from a Surete du Quebec helicopter of Lac-Megantic-viaWikimediaCommons
Bakken Crude oil train derailment in Lac Magantic Quebec, 2013. Photo by Sûreté du Québec via Wikimedia Commons
Following the catastrophic February third train accident in East Palestine, Ohio, Riverkeeper joined with partners Earthjustice, Waterkeeper Alliance, Sierra Club, and Washington Environmental Council in issuing a letter to Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg. More
Riverkeeper is monitoring two legal challenges by the owners of the Danskammer facility in Newburgh, in an attempt to revive a plan to build a fracked gas power plant on the site. The project was halted last year following widespread community opposition. More
As plans move forward for the Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) – a project that would bury massive electric cables in the bed of Lake Champlain and the Hudson River – the true costs are coming to light. More
[UPDATED 9/7/21] In enacting the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, New York decided to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions rapidly. That decision was ambitious and long overdue. By 2030, 70% of the state’s electrical load will be generated by sources of […] More
A new fracked-gas power plant at the Danskammer facility, on the banks of the Hudson River, would make the climate change problem worse. And we don't need the power. More
Photo: Creative Commons
The Renewable Rikers Coalition congratulate the New York City Council for passing Renewable Rikers legislation. More
Danskammer, LLC proposes replacing its existing natural gas peaker plant, located in the town of Newburgh, with a new baseload natural gas power plant that would run all the time. Danskammer claims that their new plant would be more environmentally friendly than the existing plant, […] More
Let’s take a moment to celebrate: The New York State Legislature just concluded a landmark session that made positive strides in the fight against climate change. More
tesla powerwall
Earlier this year, Riverkeeper and our partners asked you to urge Governor Cuomo to “go bigger” on the cheapest and most readily available resource for reducing our energy use: energy efficiency. More
New York can “go bigger” on clean energy in 2018
The Yale Environmental Protection Clinic carried out a study for Riverkeeper to assess where we should focus our efforts in the energy field. This blog is a summary of their findings jointly authored by the lead students on the study. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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