Riverkeeper Blogs

Watch a recorded version of "Back to School on PCBs in the Hudson," hosted by Riverkeeper, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson. More
“When I was young we’d go to Deep Hole on Towpath. I’m grateful to Riverkeeper for the help in trying to make our water clean again. Being able to swim is part of what makes this area great.” Laura Finestone, Chair of the Rochester Environmental […] More
A proposal has been made by Pilgrim Pipeline Holdings, LLC for two parallel pipelines each up to 20 inches in diameter that would run from Albany, NY to Linden, NJ. One pipeline would transport crude oil south while the other pipeline would carry refined products […] More
Are you concerned about development in flood zones and coastal resiliency in NYC? Make your voice heard about this latest development project on your waterfront. Riverkeeper encourages members of the public to submit comments regarding a planned waterfront development at Pier 6 in Brooklyn Bridge […] More
Por Erin Provenzano and Jeremy Cherson Traducción por Virginia Benedict Looking for english? Click here. ¿QUE SON MICROBEADS? En los últimos diez años, los fabricantes de productos de cuidado personal han añadido pequeñas bolas de plástico, comúnmente conocidos como “microperlas” a cientos de productos incluyendo […] More
Over the past ten years, producers of personal care products have added small plastic beads, commonly known as “microbeads” to hundreds of products including facial cleansers, body wash, shampoos, and toothpaste. Microbead pollution enters our waters when a product is used and washed off. This pollution is released into waters through sewage overflows or treatment plants not designed to remove microbeads. More
Ulster County Executive Mike Hein
County Executive Mike Hein with environmental leaders at the former RRA landfill site in the Town of Ulster where the proposed 3.341 kWh solar project would be located. (Photo: EPA)
Ulster County has earned recognition by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for ranking 23rd in the nation for its use of green power. It’s the first county in New York State to be net carbon neutral, and currently purchases 139 percent, or 19 million kilowatt-hours, […] More
Ashokan Reservoir
Ashokan Reservoir
Over the past century, New York City has spent billions of dollars to acquire lands to create a world-class drinking water system. More
This July, Riverkeeper is partnering with the Sarah Lawrence College Center for the Urban River at Beczak (CURB) and community scientists to begin monitoring the Saw Mill River for fecal contamination from headwaters to mouth. This program will expand on sampling done by CURB and […] More
The Hudson is an American Heritage River, an economic engine for tourism and outdoor recreation, and its waters provide food for fishermen and their families. It’s also one of the nation‘s largest hazardous waste sites. For six years, General Electric has been cleaning up toxic […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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