This plan appears laudable on its surface, but significant problems quickly appear when taking a closer look at the proposal
The Proposal’s Magnitude: Adding 199-acres of green space sounds great, but the process is not so wonderful to the nearby communities and wildlife. The proposal expects the daily volume of C&D materials will be 10,000 cubic yards, enough to fill three Olympic-sized pools. This massive amount of material would be barged down the Hudson daily for about 16 years until the Tomkins Cove Quarry is full. The proposal estimates that it will be 18 years before the green space will be ready for use.
Because of its scope, it is clear there are potentially huge impacts on the Hudson if problems arise; therefore, the proposal must look at the possibility of other adaptive reuse alternatives with less impact. Establishing a green space at the end doesn’t change the fact that this is a landfill proposal.
C&D Landfills: C&D landfills can cause significant environmental impacts. Though C&D materials are supposed to be non-hazardous, leaching of minerals and heavy metals into the water running through C&D landfills have been documented. The breakdown of certain C&D materials, like drywall, creates hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This not only smells bad, but can cause major health impacts and increase the likelihood of landfill fires.
The proposal limits its accepted materials, seemingly eliminating many of the problematic C&D materials that cause the problems mentioned above. However, standards for C&D materials are extremely difficult to maintain and the proposal doesn’t contain specific exclusions for problematic C&D materials. This leaves room for such materials to enter through loopholes, such as the proposal’s allowance for <1% of excluded debris to be accepted based on visual inspection. This is problematic not only because visual inspection is very unreliable, but also at this scale, a 1% exception could allow for up to <24,000 cubic yards a year of potentially hazardous materials to enter the quarry.
In addition, the lack of required monitoring of discharged water allows contamination to continue undetected. Similarly, the lack of treatment plan means that even if a problem is found, it may not be addressed for some time.
The most stringent standards must be incorporated into the proposal to protect against the possibility of major impacts on the environment and human health if the proposal is accepted.
Lack of Guarantee: The proposal’s proclaims the impressive end goal of 199-acres of public green space, but nowhere in the proposal are there any mechanisms that guarantee the land will be given to the public for use. It is imperative that such mechanism exists, otherwise the nearby communities may be forced to bear the burden of the Tomkins Cove Quarry reclamation without any of the benefits.