UPDATE: Army Corps yields to demand for more time & transparency on NY Harbor storm surge barrier plans
October 18, 2018
- Selection of plans. Instead of “winnowing down” the six conceptual plans in November 2018, the Corps has postponed that pre-selection step to Spring 2020. This will enable the public to better research the environmental and community consequences of in-water barriers, a feature in four of the plans (Alternatives 2, 3A, 3B and 4) and the advantages of shoreline measures (Alternatives 1 and 5).
- Interim report. The Corps will produce an “interim report” in early 2019 with additional detail on the six alternatives and a preliminary analysis of their relative costs and benefits. The Corps said during its October 3 meeting at the Westchester County Center that it would share some studies used in the preliminary analysis. This is significant: The preliminary cost benefit analysis and shared studies would be the first actual substance – hard data and design details – that the public could use for its own analysis.
- Public meetings. The Corps said it would hold a number of meetings in 2019 to gather feedback on the interim report, and release a Draft Feasibility Report / Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement in Spring 2020 on its “tentatively selected plan(s).” The rest of the timeline is unchanged: A “Chief's Report” is still due in Summer 2022, followed by a recommendation to Congress. Should a project be authorized for construction, money would be appropriated and the project would be designed in more detail.
- Storm surge barriers. The bad news is that for the time being, all six alternatives, including the four that include in-water barriers, are still on the table. In-water barriers of any kind would be extraordinarily detrimental to our rivers, New York Harbor and the Hudson. And with gates kept mostly open for ships to pass, they would not protect New York City or our communities from sea level rise in the long term. See this post for more.
- Cost of barriers. Without explanation, the Corps raised the cost estimate for the most drastic alternative, which includes a 5-mile storm surge barrier from Sandy Hook, N.J., to Breezy Point, N.Y. (Alternative 2). The Corps’ earlier estimate was $30 to $50 billion; now it’s $140 billion. Bryce Wisemiller, project manager, said although the cost may be $140 billion, the “benefit” (or value of assets protected in a storm) could turn out to be $200 billion.
- Environment. The Corps reiterated that it would only use a cost-benefit analysis to decide which option or options to advance. This formula places zero value on so-called “ecosystem services” – the vital, unique, complex and interconnected web of life in New York Harbor and Hudson. Instead, the Corps will weigh the cost of potential structures against the value of real estate and infrastructure that these structures are expected to protect in a storm. We must do better.
- States’ role. Although the Army Corps’ feasibility study is governed by procedural rules limited to cost-benefit analysis, New York State is not restricted from using its own environmental laws, rules and regulations, in the assessment of the relative impacts of alternatives. The Corps needs the support of its “non-federal sponsors” – including New York’s DEC – to move the project forward.It will be up to New York State to protect the Hudson, New York Harbor and the other waterways that meet the Atlantic there.
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