Riverkeeper Blogs

Check out the results of our May 1 day of service, the Riverkeeper Sweep encompassing hundreds of miles of shoreline in NYC and the Hudson Valley. More
Members of the public speak out about NYC’s muddy releases from Ashokan Reservoir into Lower Esopus Creek. More
Riverkeeper joins partner organizations and affected communities in opposing a pumped storage project being proposed for the Ashokan Reservoir in the Catskills. More
Riverkeeper and its allies lobbied furiously for WRDA2020, which will require the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to update many of its most dangerously outdated coastal protection project guidelines. As 2020 grinds to a close, we can celebrate an aggressive new law addressing the massive risks to coastal communities and ecosystems posed by climate change. More
Over the last two weeks, Riverkeeper has received numerous reports of dead and dying fish spotted throughout a 60-mile area from New York Harbor north along the Hudson to Mystery Point in Garrison, and as far away as the North Fork of Long Island. More
Urge Governor Andrew Cuomo to sign this bill granting protections for thousands of miles of New York’s streams. More
Photo: Rob Lowenthal
Although the Sweep 2020 event looked different this year, our volunteers, as always, succeeded in making a tangible improvement to shorelines and parks, all the way from Brooklyn to the Capital District. Here’s what we achieved together on October 17, 2020, during the 9th Annual Riverkeeper Sweep More
strooks_dam-10_lores-Photo by Jess Deitz
The removal of 2 obsolete dams makes way for renewed spawning habitat on Quassaick Creek in Newburgh and Furnace Brook in Westchester. More
This is one in a series of guest blog posts about Riverkeeper Sweep, our annual day of service for the Hudson, involving dozens of shoreline cleanups and planting projects on a single day. Be part of the next Sweep, October 17, 2020 – Visit Riverkeeper.org/sweep. […] More
The Hudson River gives so much to our community. The very least that we can do is give something back. More