Riverkeeper Blogs

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We are all connected through our living rivers, lakes and streams. Riverkeeper Sweep is the essential reminder that it is up to us to take action and keep these connections flowing. More
This is one in a series of guest blog posts about Riverkeeper Sweep, our annual day of service for the Hudson, involving dozens of shoreline cleanups and planting projects on a single day. Be part of the next Sweep, October 17, 2020 – Visit Riverkeeper.org/sweep. […] More
Why I Sweep
Riverkeeper Sweep is a day when we can care for the Hudson shorelines – and in doing so, everyone who uses them. More
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On July 22, the New York Senate passed S.6308A which would prohibit the sale of pavement products containing coal tar and high levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The bill now awaits passage in the New York Assembly. The legislation would provide crucial protection to human […] More
The saga of the poisoning of the Hudson River by General Electric has been going on for around 70 years. Unfortunately, the end is not yet in sight. The Environmental Protection Agency and GE agreed on extensive dredging work in the 40 miles of river […] More
Photo: Artie Raslich
ASMFC is shifting its approach to managing Atlantic menhaden, based on their role in the larger ecosystem. The use of ‘ecological reference points’ can help sustain a living system in the Hudson and along the East Coast. This week brought a big victory for the […] More
The widespread deaths of Atlantic menhaden along the Hudson are most likely the result of prolonged heat and lack of rain combined with other factors that reduce levels of dissolved oxygen, which the fish need to survive. Importantly, it's a symptom of a compromised and fragile ecosystem. More
BioHiTech's proposal at the former BASF hazardous waste site in Rensselaer raises serious environmental concerns in a community already burdened with heavy pollution. More
A painter and sculptor describes how volunteering for Riverkeeper Sweep along the Hudson River influenced him and became part of his artistic practice. More
First Herring 2020-crGeorgeJackman
The shadbush will bloom this week along the Hudson River – and the vernal migration will bust open, too. More