Riverkeeper Blogs

New York DEC
The Hudson River Estuary is as wild as any wilderness on earth. Every spring, a procession of species returns from the Atlantic, driven by natural forces. More
This season, as we’re forced to distance ourselves physically, we want to help you stay close to the Hudson – and each other. The Hudson is what brings us together and keeps us together. As we continue working collectively to restore the river, the river […] More
Copy of storm surge barriers graphics (1)
Storm surge barriers are not the answer. Neither are "mops & buckets," as President Trump suggested. We need rational solutions that protect communities and the environment. New York State can lead the way. Please take a moment and write to Governor Cuomo. More
Images: Wikimedia Commons (inset), NYPA (map), Riverkeeper (photos)
As part of our work to restore the abundance of fish and protect water quality in the Hudson and its tributaries, Riverkeeper has begun looking for ways to reduce the significant harms caused by hydroelectric power generation throughout the Hudson River Watershed. Although hydroelectric power […] More
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is holding industry accountable over harvest limits for menhaden, and requiring circle hooks in angling for striped bass. With your help, we spoke up this year to protect a critical species of fish – Atlantic menhaden, or bunker. And we’re […] More
On anniversary of Superstorm Sandy, Riverkeeper testifies in support of a comprehensive approach to protection from climate change, sea level rise and tidal flooding – and against plans for costly, ill-conceived storm surge barriers. Riverkeeper testified this afternoon before the New York City Council Committee […] More
Like it or not, change is coming for striped bass anglers all along the Atlantic Coast. In 2018, the benchmark stock assessment of striped bass conducted by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission had indicated the stock is overfished. Striped bass are in decline and […] More
Attendees of Sacred Rivers gather at the 125 St. Pier to release the combined waters of the Jordan and Hudson.
In a moving interfaith ceremony on September 26, those who protect the Hudson and Jordan Rivers joined with religious and indigenous leaders in an interfaith ceremony focused on tackling shared risks communities and ecosystems across the globe face from climate disruption.  The Sacred Rivers ceremony […] More
Lunge feeding on bunker
Join Riverkeeper in urging the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to hold Omega Protein accountable for exceeding its cap on the harvest of Atlantic menhaden for the Hudson & entire East Coast. More
Scouts join Riverkeeper & Guardians of Flushing Bay in a cleanup, and we all win. Who else wants to play?   Little volunteers were a big help Sunday as we cleaned up the trash that regularly washes up along the Flushing Bay shoreline. And we […] More