Riverkeeper Blogs

Promising signs have come to light, but any recovery is a long way off for this endangered Hudson River fish. To restore viable populations of these gentle giants, multiple efforts must continue.   Atlantic sturgeon had a welcome burst of attention this month as we […] More
Photo: Artie Raslich / Gotham Whale
Menhaden, or 'bunker' – food for whales and filters for algae – must be well protected. Riverkeeper has joined an effort to prevent Omega Protein’s bid for MSC label on seafood products and support a state bill limiting the use of purse seine nets. More
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced his intention to ban plastic bags across New York State as part of his executive budget. This is a significant move, for which we are grateful, that will help address the plastic pollution crisis and will have reverberations far beyond […] More
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Riverkeeper case yields funding for Billion Oyster Project research along the Harlem River. Our legal actions stop industrial stormwater pollution and boost restoration efforts, yielding cleaner waterways and stronger local partnerships. In 2018, we continued to call out industrial facilities operating in violation of the […] More
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After nearly a year and a half of sustained pressure by Riverkeeper and the community, an illegally moored, Styrofoam-shedding barge was removed from the East River last month between the Whitestone and Throgs Neck Bridges. This was the second time Riverkeeper supported local partners in […] More
Photo: NASA (Click to enlarge)
In response to drastic Army Corps plans for coastal storm protections in NY Harbor, individuals & communities have sent a resounding message: No to ‘hell gates,’ yes to a better approach. See what we’ve accomplished, and stay involved. The public came out for the river […] More
Photo: Newtown Creek Alliance
Riverkeeper is teaming up with Newtown Creek Alliance, Billion Oyster Project and design firm SITU on an experiment: Installing oyster-shell structures on industrial bulkheads, with the hope of fostering habitat for native creatures. In the industrial waterway between Brooklyn and Queens, miles of sheet pile […] More
Army Corps commits to more time, more money in review of coastal protections Riverkeeper gave testimony today as New York City Council members considered a resolution calling on the Army Corps of Engineers to consider sea level rise – not just storms – in its […] More
Thousands stand up for the river
After months of public pressure, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has agreed to allow more time and transparency before advancing any of its flood protection plans for New York Harbor – many of which threaten to permanently damage the Hudson and leave communities vulnerable to rising sea level. More
Herring returning to Wynants Kill after 85 years. (Erica Capuana / NYSDEC Division of Fish & Wildlife)
Earlier this week the New England Fishery Management Council put in place two important new protections for herring. These changes will have an impact on the Hudson River Estuary ecosystem as well. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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