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New! Riverkeeper’s 2022 Impact Report


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As 2022 comes to an end, at Riverkeeper we are reflecting on the work that we have done to protect and restore the Hudson River and its watershed and celebrating the successes of the year.

Impact Report 2022Riverkeeper’s 2022 Impact Report provides a reminder of the vast number of ways we work in partnership with those who share in our mission – combining science, law, and community partnerships – to bring about change.

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There are myriad ways we work to protect our waterways and members of our communities: Collecting and reporting on thousands of water quality measurements, holding businesses accountable when they pollute our rivers and streams, advocating for the passage of key legislation, and securing funds to upgrade failing infrastructure.

Riverkeeper is the leading voice, raising awareness and rallying resources to meet the ecological needs of our waters. Safeguarding drinking water remains a priority as we focus on the threat and the health concerns caused by PFAS (forever chemicals). A long overdue study of the Lower Hudson for PCBs dumped into the river by GE is another area that will require significant oversight and attention. Our work to address climate impacts, particularly in environmental justice communities, and protect habitat is increasing, especially our push to remove obsolete dams that have blocked the spawning of fish species, decimating their populations. Having lobbied successfully for passage of the state environmental bond act, we now must work to see those funds invested in projects within the Hudson River watershed.

We answer the call to new threats around us, and we stay actively engaged in campaigns that require decades-long commitments.

We hope you see yourself in these pages, describing the year’s highlights and the goals we share for the future. Thank you for supporting our work and sharing in our mission. The success of our work relies on dedicated staff, valued partner organizations and the help and support from you, members of the community, to bring about change.

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