Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

As the climate warms, we’ll need beaches more than ever. Extreme rains will overwhelm sewers that can’t handle even routine storms today. If we don’t upgrade our sewers, we’ll find the water unfit for recreation just when we need it most. More
Riverkeeper and Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance plant 50 trees as part of ongoing efforts to restore a healthy stream and spawning habitat. More
Rebecca Pryor
The Community Partnership program sets out to focus its efforts geographically. With partners in New York City, the Lower and Mid-Hudson Valley and the Upriver and Mohawk regions. More
Jen-Benson with Bear (Croton Point Park, Sweep 2017) (1)
A 10-year-old tradition of shoreline cleanups harnesses local knowledge and passion, and strengthens a regional movement for the Hudson. More
With Paul Gallay stepping down after 11 years as President and Hudson Riverkeeper, Riverkeeper’s Board of Directors has named Dan Shapley as interim Hudson Riverkeeper and interim Vice President of Programs, and Robin Meadows as interim Chief Administrative Officer. More
Yes, people swim in the Hudson River, and in great numbers. They also wade and splash at the water’s edge. They also wade and splash at the water’s edge. They paddle kayaks, sitting in an inch of river water. They glide along on stand up paddleboards, and sometimes, they fall in. More
Event swimming returns to the Hudson, including the Great Hudson River Swim between Newburgh and Beacon and the New York City Triathlon. More
Riverkeeper to keep a watchful eye during Indian Point decommissioning May 28, 2021 marked a new era for Indian Point as it officially entered its decommissioning phase as its license transfers from Entergy to Holtec International. The transfer —  and its approval earlier this month […] More
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Riverkeeper Sweep volunteers sort and count river garbage as part of their comprehensive data collection initiative. Here’s what they found! More
Check out the results of our May 1 day of service, the Riverkeeper Sweep encompassing hundreds of miles of shoreline in NYC and the Hudson Valley. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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