Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

What it means for the protection of NY’s water bodies from fracking and other high-water usage activities Last summer, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed New York’s first-ever uniform water use management legislation, closing the loophole that long allowed high-volume water withdrawers to pump large amounts of […] More
The Pennsylvania Senate on Tuesday, February 7, passed legislation that would all but eliminate the rights of Pennsylvania municipalities to ensure gas development occurs outside of residential and other non-industrial areas. The bill, which Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett has already pledged to sign into law, turns […] More
These are not easy times for the green movement. In fact, according to the NY Times: “If there was a tougher moment over the last 40 years to be a leader in the American environmental movement, it would be hard to put your finger on […] More
On Jan 25th I was checking an ongoing fuel spill with boat program colleagues Rob Friedman and Tracy Brown. We found this motor box on the beach in Upper Nyack. This type of motor cover is typical on 20 to 30 foot open runabouts.  My guess […] More
Fracking Day of Action
Citizens rally against fracking on Monday, January 23, 2011, at the capitol in Albany. Photos courtesy Jessica Riehl
On Monday, January 23, 2012, hundreds of citizens from all over New York State converged upon Albany to demand that our elected representatives safeguard our water resources, air quality, environment and public health from hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” The citizens, including Riverkeeper staff members, traveled […] More
This Jan. 23 photo shows the discharge from a hydraulic dredge at a Hudson River marina. Discharge water should not be more turbid (muddy) than the receiving waters of the Hudson River. Riverkeeper notified state and federal authorities, and is continuing to investigate. More
Dimock, PA residents, whose wells were contaminated by Cabot Oil & Gas’s fracking operations, will receive some relief today when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) delivers clean water to four of the eleven families that have been victims of irresponsible fracking. These families have […] More
On New Year’s Eve, watchdogs in Beacon observed an oil slick on the Hudson at Beacon and reported it to the local police department, which reportedly told the watchdogs there wasn’t much police could do. The watchdogs took photos documenting the spill, and the next […] More
This morning, thanks to many of you, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) woke up to tens of thousands of comments on its flawed fracking proposal. More
The New York Water Rangers, a partnership of environmental and community groups working to protect the state’s waters and communities from the dangers of industrial gas drilling called hydraulic fracturing or “fracking,” this month launched a TV commercial designed to get the issue some much-deserved […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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