Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

*As published on Ecocentric Blog by Kyle Rabin | 05.18.2011 |   Rob Weltner, President of Operation SPLASH [Photo courtesy of Dulce Fernandes] Rob Weltner grew up on the south shore of Long Island so the South Shore Estuary looms large in his life. “Ever […] More
Wall Street Journal story on the sewage and storm water overflow problems in the waters around New York City: Many old communities in the Hudson Valley have Combined Sewage Overflows (CSOs) and as a result their local waterways suffer sewage contamination when it rains. Green […] More
By Kari Lydersen *As published on Midwest Energy News The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new steps to reduce the number of fish killed by power plant cooling systems, but critics say the plan, which relies on state-level enforcement, will be ineffective. Every year billions […] More
Progress on the boat 3/28/11 through 4/10/11 Fourteen weeks in. Patching and cleaning up sheer strake continues – we use it as a filler job – in between doing other things. Luke shaping pins to fill old fastener holes in transom framing Frames are pinned, ready […] More
by Peter Hanlon  04.20.2011 No, the Other Power Plant Rule (the one about killing fish) Photo courtesy of Brian Smith, Citizens Campaign for the Environment I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of eating and breathing and of wildlife with fully-functioning reproductive […] More
On April 11, hundreds of people gathered in Albany to make their voice heard to Governor Cuomo in an anti-fracking rally that included legislators, activists, environmental groups, people affected by fracking practices gone wrong and Josh Fox, creator and director of the Academy Award-nominated film, […] More
As posted on the blog By Josh Galperin, Esq. In the face of pressure from Congress and industry, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has just proposed a new rule that fails to adequately safeguard the aquatic ecosystems, fish and water they are charged with […] More
We learned this week that our very own John Lipscomb has been chosen as a recipient of the 2011 Environmental Quality Award. This award is given out each year by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 2 office to a select group of individuals and […] More
As published on NRDC’s Switchboard By Thom Cmar March 29, 2011 It isn’t fourth down, but U.S. EPA has sent its punt team on the field. Yesterday, U.S. EPA released a proposal for reducing fish kills from power plants’ cooling water intakes, as has been […] More
As published on NRDC’s Switchboard By Amy Mall April 6, 2011 Government officials from around the world have recently declared that the risks of natural gas drilling are too great to allow it to proceed without additional analysis: The Town Council of Bartonville, Texas, in the […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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