Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

by Amy Sinden *From CPRBlog March 29, 2011 Around 6pm ET last night, after most reporters had wrapped up, EPA issued its long-awaited proposed cooling water rule. Under the Clean Water Act, this rule is supposed to protect the billions of fish and other aquatic organisms […] More
Progress on the boat 2/28/11 through 3/12/11 Ten weeks in – slow but steady. Chris gluing up white oak for new toe rails forward Detail of glue joint Steam box Toe rails need to be steamed to take the bend at bow. Chris built a steam box. Propane […] More
By Steve Fleischli as seen on NRDC Swithcboard Blog Last night, EPA announced a 413-page proposed rule for cooling water intake structures at U.S. power plants. However, instead of moving toward modernizing America’s power plants and protecting our water resources, EPA’s new proposed rule on […] More
  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Suzanne Struglinski, NRDC, (202) 423-6004, [email protected] Tina Posterli, Riverkeeper, (914) 478-4501 x 239, [email protected] Proposed EPA Rule Allows Plant to Continue Environmental Devastation WASHINGTON (March 28, 2011) — The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed cooling water rule will allow power plants […] More
Happy World Water Day to all our online friends! Today we reflect on the many challenges that people around the globe face in gaining access to, and protecting, their local waterways and drinking water supplies. People say that “water is the oil of the 21st […] More
EPA to Propose Regulations on March 28 On November 22, 2010, Riverkeeper and other environmental organizations signed a settlement agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that resolves two lawsuits brought against the EPA in 1993 and 2006 addressing the agency’s failure to issue […] More
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan as they continue to suffer through the aftermath of the earthquake, tsunami and the resulting nuclear crisis. It is hard to imagine the stress of the traumatic experiences they have endured, coupled with the […] More
by Josh Fox/ GASLAND March 16, 2011 This week, Teddy Borawski, the chief oil and gas geologist for the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and a member of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett’s administration, serving in an official capacity, and on the record, compared […] More
gasdrilling rally in NYC
On March 1, Riverkeeper testified at the New York City Council Committee on Environmental Protection's public hearing on hydraulic fracturing. We will be submitting comments to the DRBC urging the suspension of its current rule-making process and deadlines, and called on the City Council to do the same. More
Lots of time in the shop milling. Some new pieces being dry fit – Happy Day. Chris removing plank fasteners to then remove rotten transom frame Out comes the bad frame. Rest in Peace. Luke Illian, carpenter working with Chris, making new white oak transom […] More