Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Photo courtesy of Josh Fox and latered by Jamie Leo.
As posted on Ecocentric Blog By Robin Madel Maybe Gasland, Josh Fox’s film about fracking, should have been classified as a horror movie, because it appears to have the oil and gas industry running scared. Their lobby group, Energy in Depth, just sent a letter […] More
Lots of changes since we last updated you. All six planks around sheer are off. We’ll be able to repair and salvage all planks most likely. Great because that will save money and time for the nasty surprises we have turned up. Top two planks […] More
   February 7, 2011 — With the recent Oscar nomination of my documentary film GASLAND, Big Gas and their PR attack machine hit a new low in its blatant disregard for the truth.  In an unprecedented move, an oil and gas industry front group sent a letter […] More
It’s hard to decide what is the most magical time on the Hudson River. The summer when the water is warm and we can get in it, and on it, and feel that we are one with it? Or the winter when it transforms daily […] More
Winter repairs: end of third week Continue removing sheer strake – three sections per side.  Some problems found this week. We expected this – otherwise why take off the planks – still, painful. No euphoria this week. Chris cutting nails driven down through the plywood deck into sheer […] More
By Nora Eisenberg, AlterNet Posted on January 23, 2011, Printed on January 25, 2011 Over the past decade, 34 states have succumbed to the hazardous and largely unregulated hydraulic fracturing (widely known as “fracking”) of deep shale formations to extract natural gas. This radical drilling method, blasting […] More
Guard rails are off. Next step: white oak sheer strakes (top plank all round) need to come off – to repair or replace them. Depends on whether they are rotted or not – salvageable or not. Fasteners are big –  4 ½” x ¼”  galvanized nails and 3/8” […] More
When you talk about the need for increased regulatory oversight of the oil & gas industry, you’re bound to hear the same thing over and over again: Everything’s fine.  At least that’s what oil & gas industry executives would have you believe. We all know […] More
I set up a frame building and the Westerly Marina crew put in a supreme effort to get it covered  just before the Holidays. It survived the “blizzard.” Our 30’ X 8” construction trailer  has room for equipment, tools and materials. At the far end there is […] More
We hauled the R. Ian Fletcher for winter work. Our ambition schedule this season includes carpentry, electronics and painting. The next step is to build a cover shelter that will protect the boat and allow room to work on her. That shelter, and the trailer […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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