Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Last Friday, Riverkeeper’s Social Media Summer Intern, Kathryn Arion, along with Don’t Frack with NY Water! supporters, Liza Chiu and Emily Rann, visited Union Square to spread the word on fracking. Braving the threat of Hurricane Earl and armed with decals featuring our “Don’t Frack […] More
Riverkeeper has released Volume 9 of its Industrial Gas Drilling Reporter: The Reporter collects gas drilling impact stories from across the country and identifies how the public can get involved. Included in this volume are many stories about explosions and enforcement actions in Pennsylvania, […] More
Ask us how we can help with your Don’t Frack With NY Water! outreach.  Contact Emily Griffin at [email protected] to find out more. More
In a radio interview, Governor Paterson said he won’t let the industrial gas drilling industry frack with New York until there is “overwhelming evidence that nothing will happen to the water supply.”   Paterson said New York will issue permits if scientific evidence shows the process […] More
On Tuesday, August 24th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Borough of Manhattan Community College, the New York City Council will hold a town hall meeting to discuss natural gas drilling in New York State.   Let the New York City Council know you don’t want gas drillers to frack […] More
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that the Syracuse meeting, originally scheduled for this Thursday, August 12th at the Oncenter Complex Convention Center, as been cancelled. The Agency now intends to hold a new public meeting on the study in upstate New York […] More
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced they are moving this Thursday’s public meetings from Binghamton, NY to the Oncenter Complex Convention Center in Syracuse, NY.  The meetings will allow the public to comment on EPA’s upcoming fracking study.  EPA will hold three sessions this […] More
Today, Andrew Cuomo released his new Energy policy document, Power NY, the New NY Agenda. The Agenda is a step in the right direction but stops short of calling for a permanent ban on fracking in our watersheds.  The Agenda states that “existing watersheds are […] More
Last night the NY State Senate passed a bill that places a moratorium on fracking in the Marcellus Shale in New York. This is an important victory that was possible because of ALL OF YOU stood up and said DON’T FRACK WITH NY WATER. This […] More
The debate over hydraulic fracturing has gained the attention of Capitol Hill. In response to concerns raised about the safety of hydrofracking, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will conduct a scientific study to determine the impact of natural gas drilling on drinking water and the […] More