Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

"Holding only the free leftovers" by nSeika is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
The NYS State Legislature passed Governor Cuomo’s proposed ban on styrofoam takeout containers, which goes into effect January of 2022. More
Tell your reps: Stop radioactive dumping into the Hudson River
On March 25, Riverkeeper submitted our comments opposing the proposed license transfer of the Indian Point Energy Center and called for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to also reject Holtec’s Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR). Not only does Holtec’s history show that it is a bad […] More
5 Clean Water Wins in the New York State Budget
There is good news for clean water and the environment to report from Albany, even as New York State continues to grapple with an unprecedented health crisis. Investments in the environment and climate preparedness were made today by our state leadership that not only improve […] More
Breakthrough in campaign to overhaul flawed flooding plan for NY-NJ Harbor
In one of its most brazen actions to date, the Trump administration indefinitely suspended federal enforcement of environmental laws including the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act, citing the COVID-19 pandemic. More
This season, as we’re forced to distance ourselves physically, we want to help you stay close to the Hudson – and each other. The Hudson is what brings us together and keeps us together. As we continue working collectively to restore the river, the river […] More
Historic clean water grants
We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe as we work our way through the unprecedented challenges brought by the coronavirus pandemic. I wanted to get in touch as this situation continues to unfold, and share some updates from Riverkeeper. First […] More
Catskills Stream 3
Members vote to protect NY’s waterways, drinking water sources and wildlife habitat   We’re thrilled to report progress for our waterways in Albany. Last Wednesday, with a bipartisan vote of 113 ayes to 31 nays, the NY Assembly voted to add 41,000 miles of Class […] More
Here’s what New Yorkers should expect when the statewide ban begins next month.    Riverkeeper, our partners and the concerned citizens fought long and hard, but the day of the plastic bag ban is soon upon us. Beginning March 1, billions of plastic bags will […] More
Tell the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that Holtec’s plan for decommissioning is unacceptably vague and does not ensure the public’s money is used correctly to decommission Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant while limiting environmental and safety impacts. More
Copy of storm surge barriers graphics (1)
Storm surge barriers are not the answer. Neither are "mops & buckets," as President Trump suggested. We need rational solutions that protect communities and the environment. New York State can lead the way. Please take a moment and write to Governor Cuomo. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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