Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently announced his intention to ban plastic bags across New York State as part of his executive budget. This is a significant move, for which we are grateful, that will help address the plastic pollution crisis and will have reverberations far beyond […] More
Photo: John Lipscomb / Riverkeeper
‘East anchor span” to be dropped onto network of chains on riverbed; timing precedes fish spring migrations. Riverkeeper is watching carefully as plans move forward for demolition of the ‘east anchor span,’ one of the remaining sections of the old Tappan Zee Bridge. [UPDATE, January […] More
New York State has embraced a top Riverkeeper priority by establishing a new program to protect public drinking water sources from contamination. Take action by thanking Gov. Cuomo and urging him to go big on clean water investments in the next state budget. New York […] More
Nick Mitch Boat
"From Brooklyn to the Catskills and beyond I’m thrilled to be able to help communities thrive alongside our beautiful, dynamic river and its tributaries." - Learn more about Nick. More
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Riverkeeper case yields funding for Billion Oyster Project research along the Harlem River. Our legal actions stop industrial stormwater pollution and boost restoration efforts, yielding cleaner waterways and stronger local partnerships. In 2018, we continued to call out industrial facilities operating in violation of the […] More
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After nearly a year and a half of sustained pressure by Riverkeeper and the community, an illegally moored, Styrofoam-shedding barge was removed from the East River last month between the Whitestone and Throgs Neck Bridges. This was the second time Riverkeeper supported local partners in […] More
Riverkeeper and our partners have advocated for setting protective limits on the chemicals that have contaminated drinking water in Newburgh, Hoosick Falls and elsewhere. Take action to urge the Governor to fund clean water programs in this year’s budget, to meet these and other pressing […] More
tesla powerwall
Earlier this year, Riverkeeper and our partners asked you to urge Governor Cuomo to “go bigger” on the cheapest and most readily available resource for reducing our energy use: energy efficiency. More
December 2018 Plastic Bag L… by on Scribd More
Photo: NASA (Click to enlarge)
In response to drastic Army Corps plans for coastal storm protections in NY Harbor, individuals & communities have sent a resounding message: No to ‘hell gates,’ yes to a better approach. See what we’ve accomplished, and stay involved. The public came out for the river […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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