Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Under new regulations proposed by the Department of Environmental Conservation, a key part of the environmental review process would be removed, disempowering governmental entities and the public in favor of large developers and industry. The environmental impact statement drafting process is a crucial part of […] More
John and Paul
Alec Baldwin and Newburgh Councilwoman Karen Mejia are honored at the Fishermen’s Ball. More
Updated: May 25, 2017 Results are in from the leaders of 102 shoreline cleanups and planting projects that made up Riverkeeper Sweep 2017, our 6th Annual day of service for the Hudson on Saturday, May 6. Thanks to 1,765 volunteers who turned out – everywhere […] More
In early May, nearly 20 environmental, conservation and sportsman groups sent a letter to New York’s federal delegation urging them to stand up for a robust, fully-funded EPA. The letter is copied below. We urge you to contact your representatives to support the EPA, NOAA […] More
Esopus Creek
The Esopus Creek (Photo by Sean Monahan via Twitter)
Riverkeeper’s water quality monitoring projects of the Saw Mill River, Catskill Creek and Esopus Creek kicked off the 2017 season Thursday, with community scientists gathering samples from 50 locations. Samples from the Esopus and Catskill creeks are processed in our Riverport Lab in Kingston at the […] More
Mouth of Steinway Creek - north end
Riverkeeper launched our East River sampling program today, building on a pilot project in 2016 in collaboration with CUNY Queens College. We’re measuring Enterococcus, a fecal indicator bacteria, as well as dissolved oxygen and other physical and chemical data. Angel Montero of CUNY Queens College assists Riverkeeper […] More
Jason Ratchford with Capt. John Lipscomb. (Photo courtesy SUNY Cobleskill)
We pause briefly, the week before our 2017 water quality sampling season begins, to acknowledge, thank and welcome some of the people who have contributed to our project’s success of late. We are fortunate to work with many partners, including dozens of individual community scientists […] More
Lower Esopus Creek as it enters the Hudson, Google Maps, 2011
The Department of Environmental Conservation has issued the final scope of review for the study that will examine the impacts of New York City’s high-volume, muddy discharges from the Ashokan Reservoir to the Lower Esopus Creek. More
The Wallkill River Watershed Alliance, in partnership with New Paltz Kayaking Tours, will host a third year of public paddles on the Wallkill River. Boat Brigades are kayak outings designed both to enjoy and celebrate the river, and to investigate and report any problems that are […] More
During Saturday’s Riverkeeper Sweep 2017, we’ll continue a data collection project that we piloted in 2016, in which volunteers at certain cleanup sites count and classify each bit of trash collected at the shoreline. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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