Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

It’s been a year since the City of Newburgh declared a state of emergency in response to PFOS contamination in Lake Washington, the primary source of drinking water for the City’s 29,000 residents. Progress has been made on some fronts, thanks to the tireless efforts of the people of Newburgh, community organizers, clean water advocates, agency staff, and elected officials. More
Ellen Hackl Fagan and Ellen Kozak
Just as the Hudson inspires artists, artists help to inspire all of us in our shared work for the river. On Sunday were pleased and honored to visit the River Woman exhibition running through Sunday at ODETTA Gallery in Brooklyn to talk about Riverkeeper’s work. […] More
Thanks to an historic New York State commitment to clean water, hundreds of millions of dollars will flow to improve water quality and protect drinking water – starting now. The first rounds of funding available from the $2.5 billion Clean Water Infrastructure Act will soon […] More
SIA outfall
Dan Shapley, Water Quality Program Director, observes an orange-colored discharge from a stormwater outfall near the Stewart International Airport in Town of New Windsor. (Photo by Leah Rae / Riverkeeper)
Riverkeeper's work in Newburgh since the city's primary drinking water reservoir, Washington Lake, was found to be contaminated with toxic PFOS has drawn much attention. But our work doesn't stop there. Our work in the area in recent years started with collaborative monitoring project with the Quassaick Creek Watershed Alliance, and we continue to act as a watchdog for water quality in the watershed serving the city's reservoirs. More
Earth Day is one day on the calendar, but Riverkeeper fights to safeguard our waterways and drinking water all year round – and has for more than 50 years. More
Photo by Dan Shapley, Riverkeeper Water Quality Program Director: Pecks Creek runs green with silage on April 12, 2017
Riverkeeper is fighting for stronger measures against pollution of our waterways by industrial animal farms. Please let DEC know that given the risks involved, these permits should be thorough, enforceable and reviewable by public and state agencies. More
Riverkeeper has updated our website with data from a special April patrol of the Hudson River Estuary. The patrol was timed to capture the impact of wet weather, to support partner research into pharmaceuticals and other wastewater impacts. We saw the results in the data, […] More
Memorandum of Support A.2446 (Skartados) S.5139 (Amedore) Bill Title: An ACT to amend the Transportation Corporation Law in relation to the construction of new pipe lines Summary of Proposed Legislation The proposed legislation would amend the Transportation Corporation Law (“Transcorp Law”) to grant towns the […] More
NY enacts "gold standard" clean water protections
Last week, New York’s leaders did more to protect the Empire State’s rivers and drinking water than at any other time since the modern environmental movement began more than a half a century ago. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature have […] More
Photo: Sara Moriarty / Riverkeeper
We need your help to save the environmental review process that led to New York’s fracking ban. Under new regulations proposed by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), a key part of the process would be removed, disempowering governmental entities and the public in favor […] More