Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

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Letter asks EPA to set public information meetings and create a Community Advisory Group, in anticipation of PCB contamination study in lower river south of Troy. More
CrudeOil-derailment-taken from a Surete du Quebec helicopter of Lac-Megantic-viaWikimediaCommons
Bakken Crude oil train derailment in Lac Magantic Quebec, 2013. Photo by Sûreté du Québec via Wikimedia Commons
Following the catastrophic February third train accident in East Palestine, Ohio, Riverkeeper joined with partners Earthjustice, Waterkeeper Alliance, Sierra Club, and Washington Environmental Council in issuing a letter to Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg. More
Tell the Army Corps Reject storm surge barriers-graphic
Riverkeeper and partners oppose storm surge barriers across NYC waterways and call for flood protection planning that is comprehensive, ecologically sound, and locally driven. This is a critical time to become informed and speak out about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ proposal to build […] More
Holtec International, the firm responsible for decommissioning the Indian Point nuclear power plant, has stated that it will resume discharging radioactive wastewater into the Hudson River from a spent fuel pool on the site as early as August, and possibly sooner. More
As the Indian Point decommissioning effort continues, there remain a number of significant issues that will be discussed at the next meeting of the Decommissioning Oversight Board on February 2, 2023. More
City seizes critical opportunity to invest in sewer infrastructure – an example for others to follow. On Thursday, January 12, Riverkeeper joined the City of Newburgh staff and city council members, New York State Assembly Member Jonathan Jacobson, state Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Director […] More
With support from NOAA and other partners, Riverkeeper is helping to rid the river of derelict vessels that cause ecological damage and navigational hazards. In a new initiative, Riverkeeper succeeded in removing 17 sunken and abandoned boats from the Hudson in 2022, helping to address […] More
New York State residents documented more than 280,000 distinct uses of New York City’s coastal waters, including kayaking, dragon boating, swimming, and more, as part of a call for stronger water quality standards. More
Riverkeeper’s 2022 Impact Report provides a reminder of the vast number of ways we work in partnership with those who share in our mission – combining science, law, and community partnerships – to bring about change. More
Riverkeeper and its partners deliver message to Department of Health in support of stronger drinking water protections Members of the public spoke up this month to urge New York State to protect drinking water through stronger, science-based limits on toxic PFAS chemicals. We would like […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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