Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

There's news breaking today that Gov. Andrew Cuomo intends to propose boosting spending in the next New York State budget for the Environmental Protection Fund, increasing year-over-year funding from by nearly $125 million to $300 million. More
State grants have recently been announced, which will result in at least $22.6 million in direct state and federal investments in community wastewater or green infrastructure projects and studies to improve water quality in the Hudson River Watershed. More
By a unanimous vote, the NYS Public Service Commission decided to abandon Suez’s controversial plan to tap, treat and desalinate Hudson River water and pipe it to Rockland County homes and businesses. More
After eight years of an acrimonious public debate, on December 17, 2015, the NYS Public Service Commission is expected to finally decide the fate of a proposal by multinational giant Suez Environment to construct a controversial Haverstraw Water Supply Project desalination plant for public drinking water in an irreplaceable habitat of the Lower Hudson River. More
In this two-part interview with FiOS 1 News, Riverkeeper's John Lipscomb details the alarming spike in reported sturgeon deaths along the Hudson – coinciding exactly with the start of construction on the new Tappan Zee Bridge. More
Patrol boat at Palisades-LRae 2015
We are proud to report on another banner year in our efforts for the Hudson River, its creeks and streams, and our precious drinking water supplies. These "Riverkeeper Victories" are yours as well: Our donors, activists and volunteers are the driver of our success. In 2016 – our half-century mark – we will need you more than ever to meet the challenges ahead. More
Riverkeeper was delighted to be part of the conference "Global Warming: Environmental Ethics and Its Practice," hosted by the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs Oct. 29 in New York City. More
(White Plains EcoNeighbors, 2014)
In 2014, Westchester County Legislator, Catherine Parker (District 7), introduced a bill to limit the use of plastic bags across the county. More
Riverkeeper has spent the past seven years providing New Yorkers with information and resources to help shape the debate about the process of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to extract natural gas from deep underground deposits. More
Contamination from the manufactured gas plant-north-south-Walkway-Over the Hudson-crDan Shapley
Contamination from the manufactured gas plant covers several acres of river bottom to the north and south of the Walkway Over the Hudson state park. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
On Friday, November 20, Riverkeeper submitted its comments to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) regarding the proposed remedies for the Poughkeepsie Manufactured Gas Plant brownfields site just below the Walkway Over the Hudson. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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