Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Riverkeeper and partner environmental organizations submitted to the Mayor Adams’ Administration twelve recommendations for improving New York City’s Green Infrastructure Program. Pushing the city to redouble its efforts to develop more soil and vegetated stormwater controls is a proactive effort that will help combat the devastating impact that climate change will have on New York City. More
Wallkill Valley Rail Trail algal bloom John Gotto 8-11-22-1500
A Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) has overtaken parts of the Wallkill River and Rondout Creek, putting recreational users at potential risk from toxins produced by the algae. The Wallkill and Rondout combine to form the largest tributary to the tidal portion of the Hudson River. More
Riverkeeper's staff has never seen a smoke plume of this kind at the plant, or a condition in the water like the bubbling seen in the video. More
Water Justice Fellows Shansanique at Otter Creek
During the second week of our Source to Estuary summer camp, we were ankle deep in Otter Creek, a tributary of the Tomhannock Reservoir, searching for the aquatic bugs that call this place home. More
2022-07-15-swimmers at schoharie crossing 2 cr Barb Brabetz
Since 2015, Riverkeeper, SUNY Cobleskill, SUNY Poly and Union College have collaborated on a water quality monitoring project in the Mohawk River watershed. Our latest data, from July 10, is now available at More
Hudson River from Poughkeepsie-crLRae_2525
The salt front is defined by a specific level of salinity, and its location in the estuary changes throughout the year and with various weather patterns. More
Osprey (2)
A member of the public alerted Riverkeeper's Watchdog staff to a precarious situation. With an Osprey nest under construction at an active manufacturing plant, New York State DEC responded to help the residents find a more suitable home. More
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Born and raised in Newburgh, I am personally familiar with the range of pollution threats that plague the Hudson Valley. I am especially knowledgeable about perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), a “forever chemical,” to which I was exposed while growing up drinking tainted water and now […] More
New York State’s climate law is just starting to take effect, and you can help determine how it plays out, how the goals are met, and how our waters and our communities are treated in the process. UPDATE: Read Riverkeeper’s public comments on the Draft […] More
Swim season on the Hudson
In the 50th anniversary year of the Clean Water Act, it’s important to celebrate the successes that have allowed people to experience the joy of open water swimming. The open water swim season kicked into high gear this month, with the marathon 20 Bridges Swim […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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