Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Stand-up Paddleboarding is an increasingly popular sport on the Hudson--one that isn't easy for everyone to learn. Photo: Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper
The state Department of Environmental Conservation this month has implemented a new notification system for the Sewage Pollution Right to Know Law, giving the public access through NY-ALERT to important near-realtime reports of many discharges of raw or partially treated sewage. Riverkeeper urges the public […] More
We need you to raise your voice now to ensure we can make critical investments today in clean water infrastructure that will protect future generations. It has been 50 years since New York voters approved the $1 billion Pure Water Bond Act, at a time […] More
From the perspective of an American shad, that iconic, depleted fish of the estuary, the Hudson River today is far different, and in many ways far less hospitable, than in times past. We’ve made tremendous progress improving water quality since the passage of New York’s […] More
Won’t we miss these cups? No we won’t. Thank you, NYC, for banning plastic foam containers and relieving our waterways of that much more waste. And thank you, Dunkin’ Donuts, for finding alternatives. Read the latest: Dunkin’ Donuts removing styrofoam cups from all city locations […] More
Photo: Leah Rae/Riverkeeper
Please take these steps to promote safe drinking water and a cleaner, healthier Hudson River in 2015. Can you imagine if everyone did? More
Governor and Fracktivists - 12-17-14
Cuomo On Fracking: “That’s What Democracy Is All About” Ask environmentalists in New York whether they woke up on December 17th expecting Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to ban fracking by noon that day. They’ll answer: “no way.” In fact, The Empire State’s massive anti-fracking community […] More
This map shows a portion of the Capital District sewage discharge notification system at, as it appeared on Dec. 23, 2014. Troy is to the right. Cohoes and Green Island are to the left.
River lovers now have better access to realtime information about seven communities that discharge raw sewage to the Hudson River and its tributaries during rain. Six Capital District communities, and Kingston, have new web-based notification systems to alert the public when their combined sewer overflow […] More
In October, we described how citizen water sampling of Hallets Cove on the East River had prompted the NYC Department of Environmental Protection to identify a source of contamination. Dye testing at the Astoria Houses, a NYC Housing Authority development with 22 buildings, found one […] More
Punctured outer hull of the Stena Primorsk
Two years ago, on December 20, 2012, the oil tanker Stena Primorsk ran aground near Albany with 12 million gallons of Dakota crude oil on board. Several compartments of the outer hull were torn open – but not the inner hull which contained the crude […] More
Has the endgame begun for Indian Point? Sure looks that way. Riverkeeper is fighting on every legal front to stop this dangerous, aging plant from operating, and there’s no doubt we are closing in. Riverkeeper has raised awareness about the hazards posed by this plant […] More